by Charles Ying

Google Adsense Experiment

December 13th, 2006

I’m experimenting with Google Adsense to gain better insight into Adsense’s advertising experience and the traffic patterns on my journal. Let me know if you have any insights to share as well!

5 Responses to “Google Adsense Experiment”

  1. Leah Anderson Says:

    i also signed up on infolinks and they pay better than kontera.’*

  2. Ryan Green Says:

    Adsense is a great dollar earner if you don’t have a stable job:.-

  3. WLAN Router ` Says:

    infolinks is the best alternative for adsense, i use it and it also pays well;:.

  4. Wood Shelf  Says:

    adsense is of course the best ppc program. they pay the highest :`’

  5. Share Quotes : Says:

    infolinks is definitely second to adsense when we talk about payout rate~~~