by Charles Ying

Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

David Hyatt on Dashboard

Monday, July 12th, 2004

David Hyatt weighed in on Dashboard’s HTML extensions and Apple’s involvement in the standards process. I have been impressed with Apple’s standards adherence and embracing open source in everything they do, (SMB, WebDAV, FreeBSD, KHTML, Apache, SSH, etc.).

I witnessed the W3C / Mozilla+Opera rift at the Compound Document workshop and I’d say that the WHAT-WG was the direct result of infighting among the standards bodies.

In my opinion, to suggest that Apple does not adhere to and support standards is shockingly untruthful to say the least; they set the example.

A New Year

Sunday, January 25th, 2004

I’m back from Tahiti. Actually, I’ve been back for quite awhile now, and have just recently caught up with work and life. You can take a look at my Tahiti trip photos, some of them are online in the photos section.

The Lunar New Year happened just recently. It’s interesting, I really feel that this year is going to be different. I can’t really put my finger on it yet, but it feels like various things are aligning themselves, where last year, things just seemed to be a little ahead of or behind themselves.

I bought a new sketchbook, this one’s bigger, and the paper’s smoother. I’ve realized that drawing young kids is really a challenge, there’s some quality about them that makes them appear their age, and if you’re even a little off, they end up looking older, somehow. You’ll see what I mean when I post my next sketch in about a week.

“Away in the country for 3 weeks”

Monday, December 15th, 2003

I’ve gone on safari to Tahiti until January. Until then, happy holidays!